Drinking diet

Fruits and vegetables for the preparation of dietary juices

Drinking diet is for those who are looking for a quick and effective way to lose weight. Like the Paleo diet, it is essentially simple, but relatively difficult to implement. You don't have to be smart with your diet, but you should reduce your cravings for tasty things. But instead of the extra pounds, you will feel better and more confident.

This is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. It can't be otherwise, because the diet involves the rejection of solid foods for several weeks. A shut-off "food tap" is a good reason to throw ballast.

Features of a drinking diet

The essence of a drinking diet is that it temporarily stops the body from absorbing solid foods. The main component of the diet for the diet period is water. It is the basis of any dish. Only juicy, brown dishes are eaten. The diet of a hungry person consists of broths, cereals, juices and fermented dairy products. Of course, you need to drink a lot of water.

The effectiveness of the diet can be measured - half a Spartan can lose up to 5-10 kg in a week of life.

The classic diet is a 30-day drinking marathon. But it is available only for people with the will, so there are softer options - 7 and 14 days.

The number of days is important, but as a result the numbers are relative. For those who do not want or cannot follow a weekly diet, no one suffers from less hunger than a day. Short-term dietary changes are useful for those who want to lose weight fast. For example, before the holiday.

The number of diet days is not proportional to the number of pounds lost. The biggest impact is visible at the beginning. Efficiency decreases over time. But in general, a drinking diet can't do without a certain addiction - you'll get a lot out of the regimen for how many days you "stand".

Benefits of Drinking Diet

Drinking a slim figure is not the only benefit.

Dietary benefits:

The girl is losing weight on a drinking diet
  • melting of the fat layer in front of our eyes; food intake, which leads to the appearance of deposits, is minimized, ie the body has no choice but to remove calories from fat reserves;
  • There is a global cleansing of the body - the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, toxins are eliminated, the skin is cleansed, all rashes disappear, there is a feeling of joy and lightness; the size of the stomach decreases and you no longer need to eat so much to feel full;
  • willpower increases and self-esteem rises; it is not easy to cope with the transition to "water" - it makes sense for a person to feel stronger after a marathon; This, in turn, does not help increase self-confidence.

Recall that in the classic version, the duration of the diet is one month. In the first 10 days, the hollow organs are cleaned. Lightness and energy appear. Side effects may include a white coating on the tongue.

The second decade is a period of renewal of the kidneys and liver. Sometimes this is associated with a slight sense of anxiety in this area. In the last decade, the body has been renewed at the cellular level. When contraindications and regimens are not followed, the starving person becomes noticeably thinner in the final stage. The skin is clean.

Dietary Harm

Despite its benefits, a drinking diet is not for everyone. It is very radical and requires consultation with a doctor. No matter how healthy your body is, it gets stressed when you give up solid foods. And there is always the risk of a negative reaction to a change in diet.

Dietary Disadvantages:

  • It is not always possible to ensure a balanced food supply, and this system is fraught with deficiencies - gastritis, immunity, anemia, etc. you can buy;
  • Instead of lightness, you can get drowsiness and weakness: this is natural, because the body does not have components that establish internal balance;
  • There is a danger of going wrong with the diet: a sharp transition to solid food is fraught with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, which is removed from such a load;
  • need to quit the water diet for a long time - it takes twice as long as the diet itself;
  • Uncontrolled feeding after the "hydration" period can lead to a rapid return to original weight;
  • The need to give up physical activity or reduce the intensity of "physical training", because during this period the strength decreases and the body will not be able to incur additional energy expenditure.


Drinking diet is contraindicated in pregnant women

Diet is contraindicated:

  • children and the elderly;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • people with chronic problems of the digestive system and diseases of a number of other organs (liver, kidneys, etc. );
  • for diabetes;
  • for people prone to payment;
  • For people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

You should undergo a medical examination before starting such a diet. You should consult a doctor immediately for unpleasant symptoms while following a drinking diet.

Weight Loss Mechanism

The main trump card of the method is water. In return, it helps to quench hunger without taking any calories. If you add a few high-calorie foods to plain water, it's easy to feel full without loading yourself with a kilo of ballast.

Food on water is well absorbed by the body. This prevents the body from absorbing fat. In addition, with good absorption, metabolism is activated - the key to rapid weight loss. Some diets are associated with dehydration. In our case, it does not threaten in any way. By consuming water and nutritious food, a starving person maintains water balance. And this has a positive effect not only on the figure in general, but also on welfare.

Approved products

Such a diet means that for a while you will have to neglect solid foods. And that doesn't mean you can drink whatever you want. Alcohol, fatty dairy products, coffee and cocoa, packaged juices, carbonated drinks should be avoided. Fatty broths and foods containing glucose, vegetable oil and sugar should be excluded from the diet.

If you decide to follow a drinking diet, your menu should include:

Diet puree soups on the drinking diet menu
  • drinking water (at least 1. 5 liters per day);
  • freshly squeezed juices - including mixtures of fruits and vegetables;
  • fat-free broths; preferably home-made (beef, fish and chicken) - you should leave broth cubes and similar products; can be experimented with non-nutritious spices; strain the water before use - there are rules; you can't cook broth on bones;
  • low-fat dairy products; it is desirable that the fat ratio does not exceed 1, 5-2%;
  • sugar-free jellies and compotes;
  • fruit teas;
  • diet puree soups.

Recommended drinks

We talked a bit about what to drink in a diet above. In addition to drinks and water, you can use juices, compotes and gels. It is recommended to prepare everything yourself - it is important to know the composition of the drinks. Kissels and compotes should be made from fresh fruits, berries and dried fruits. Diet oatmeal does not break the gel.

All kinds of juices can be used, including vegetables and fruits. But in the priority drinks from apples and citrus fruits. The best grapefruit and orange juices work from the latter. Freshly squeezed juices are desirable. And no sugar!

Principles and rules of diet

It is impossible to sit on such a diet without initial preparation. It is impossible to switch to a normal diet. Both stages - input and output - must be smooth. Only when this condition is met does the body have time to adapt to change.

Preparing for the diet

You should avoid salty, sweet and floury foods for a few days before switching to "water". During the preparation phase, alcohol and carbonated beverages are excluded from the diet. A few days before starting the diet, you should start eating mainly soup, cereals and fruits / vegetables. Plenty of salads and natural juices. This will help the body rebuild and prepare for changes in the "food course".

Basics of Water Diet

Adherence to a water diet involves a number of conditions. Among them:

Drinking diet menus include low-fat milk
  • Temporary but complete rejection of solid foods; only liquids are used for food, and the most useful and nutritious ones are those in the drinking diet;
  • decrease in physical activity; The "hungry" diet is associated with a temporary decrease in tone, so it is necessary to calculate the load on the body - in this case it is not easy to increase strength;
  • switch to a fractional diet - it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions;
  • nutritional deficiencies should be compensated by the intake of mineral and vitamin complexes and fish oil;
  • Stool observation: among the side effects of constipation, the use of laxatives may be significant; you need at least one trip to the toilet daily;
  • maximum diet duration - 30 days; do not submit to the guidance of the iron will power and organize a longer "race"; diet is recommended not more than once a year; but you can also sit on an extra short-term diet throughout the year.

Don't go on a diet

Proper abstinence from a drinking diet is the key to maintaining results and health. A sudden transition to a normal diet is likely to lead to a rapid return of excess weight. The body will not benefit from jumping from one mode to another. The risk of digestive disorders is high.

For these reasons, it is very important to return to your old diet without any problems. The basic principle is that the output period should be twice the duration of the diet. It will take two months to recover after a month of weight loss. Did you follow a one-week regimen? It is necessary to get out of two of them.

What is a gradual withdrawal from the diet with drinking days? Let's look at an example of the most popular operating breaks.

Exit the 30-day course

A period of two months is enough for the body to adapt to previous culinary realities. Needless to say, it's been oily, spicy and salty for months. New products are added to the menu at intervals so that the original diet can be completely restored by the end of the period. You need to maintain the hydrobalance provided by the diet throughout the period - continue to drink at least 1. 5 liters of water a day.

Approximately two-month output scheme:

Week Diet
1 Oatmeal is added to breakfast
2 The menu is filled with cheese sandwiches and boiled eggs
3 The diet is expanded with fresh vegetables and fruits
4 Fish, poultry and vegetable salads return to the menu
5+ Return to normal menu. Remember to remove oily, spicy, fried and salty. It is recommended to periodically organize drinking fasting days.

Exit the 14-day course

It takes a month for a 14-day drinking diet. New products are introduced to the menu every 2 days. On the first day after the diet, the diet is supplemented with liquid oatmeal. Consumed for breakfast. The rest of the food is given to liquid foods. At intervals, the menu is gradually filled with fish, meat and chicken broth (unsalted), fresh berries and fruits, boiled and boiled vegetables.

It is recommended that you start supplementing your diet with protein no later than 2 weeks before the start of the exit phase.

Exit the 7-day course

It takes 14-15 days to drink a diet for a week. The principles of output are similar, only in this case the menu is filled with a solid product every 1-2 days. The food should be chewed very well until it is liquid. This reduces the stress on the gastrointestinal tract and allows you to get out of the diet without pain.

It is advisable to ensure that fruits and vegetables are not too sour or sweet. Among other things, it is recommended to skip foods that contain a lot of starch and complex carbohydrates. The body expends a lot of energy to digest this food.

Physical aspects are placed on psychological aspects. Thanks to weakness, you can get out of the "diet" and prematurely. And at the same time, take back what they have already thrown. You need to motivate yourself to prevent this from happening. To do this, it is good to remember the benefits that the diet will bring.

7-day menu

A 7-day drinking diet is no different from a longer diet. It is recommended to change the composition daily. This will allow the body to absorb a variety of nutrients.

Example A 7-day drinking diet menu might look like this:

day Menu
1 Low-fat dairy products - yogurt, kefir, milk
2 Fresh soups, meat and vegetable broths
3 Fruit juices (always fresh)
4 Different fruit tea options
5 Fruit jelly
6 Fruit and berry compotes
7 Oatmeal Jelly

This is a difficult choice. But impressive - most of the menu is dedicated to water. The latter is a default, the daily amount has already been said. It is recommended not to drink before going to bed to prevent bloating.

Less rigid choices include the inclusion of more "filling" foods. In these cases, it is recommended to include in the daily diet, for example, vegetable puree soup.

Dietary Results and Feedback

The main motivating factor for following a drinking diet is the results before and after. As long as one person does not experience the effectiveness of the program, other people's successes inspire them to exploit the most. There is also good luck. And important.

The beauty of the program is that there is no reason to doubt the effectiveness of the drinking diet - the views and results are based on the simplest principle. If the body gets less fat, it will definitely use what it has accumulated in advance.

The main problem in the diet is its rigidity. The key to running a marathon is to believe in the effectiveness of the diet. Therefore, considering the success of others, it is better to try your strength on a short-term diet. Following the established principles for a week will save you a few pounds. With this, you can already go to a classic, 30-day cycle in the future.

Better to lose weight together. According to reports, many do it - looking for a friend in misery. Sometimes sincere support means more than deciding to go to the end. Let us remind you again that you should not ignore medical advice. Along with body fat, you can also lose health. You can reach your goal in many ways, and a water diet is just one of them.